What is a Commercial Real Estate Agents?

Commercial Real Estate Agents is a type of real estate job its role is to act as a middleman to a client who is interested to sell, lease or purchase a commercial property.  

Things you need to know before becoming a real estate agent.

Commission Basis - It is unlikely that the real estate company offers a monthly salary, same with the real estate agent a commercial real estate agent works on a commission basis. it is usually breaks down as per below:

  • Real Estate company retains a 3% fee on all sales and leasing transactions
  • The brokerage firm or agent will likely receive 35% to 40% of that fee it is  paid between 30 to 60 days after a deal is complete.

Skills and Qualities - As an agent, your skills and knowledge will be put to a test. know the latest marketing approach in the real estate business. know your competitors move and how they cope up with the competition. Educate more by reading thru publication, and understand the economy, tax, and finance law

Work Environment - Expect that there will be less office work and more in the majority of fieldwork, client meetings, and more negotiation. prepare to socialize.

According to Vaned the responsibility of a commercial real estate agent are as follows:

For Sellers or Property Owners

  • Hold or Sell Analysis – Analyze the market to determine what course of action is best for a property owner. Is it better to hold onto the property longer, or would an owner be better suited selling the commercial property? This analysis may include projections of cash flows, and determination of internal rate of return. 
  • Property Management– Assist the owner by leasing and / or managing the day to day situations that arise in any real estate investment. Management may include suggestions of how to create more value in the property. 3 story multi-tenant Office Building with central common atrium. 
  • Property Leasing – Finding tenants for a property owner’s commercial real estate. This may include advice on creating a niche for the property, or ways to attract more solid long term tenants. 
  • Property Sale or Marketing – Determining the best course of action in order to maximize the sales price on a property and find the best possible buyer.

For Buyers, Tenants or Investors:

  • Investment Analysis – Provide an investor or buyer with comparisons of various properties or types of property and their cash flows or investment returns in order to determine what situation may be best for the investor or buyer. 
  • Site Selection – Assist the investor or buyer with locating a site that meets the client’s needs. Assist with demographic data to support the client’s business or investment goals. An agent may also be required to assist with determining the site’s suitability based on zoning regulations, environmental conditions and financing considerations. 
  • Cash Flow Analysis / Return on Investment – What kind of return can an investor expect on a particular real estate investment? Agents provide projections of potential future income and analysis of potential return on the property. 

For Both Sellers or Owners and Buyers or Investors

  • Property or Business Valuations – Any property owner wants to know what their property is worth to a buyer and what the highest sales price or lease price is possible in the current market. Buyers or Investors want to know what a fair price may be for the same property or business, and will want to know what the best investment may be at this point in time.
  • Feasibility Studies – Conduct a market study with the help of Real Estate Appraisers and engineers to determine the highest and best use of a property, or forecast a project’s likelihood of success.
  • Exchange Opportunities – tax-deferral benefits may make it worthwhile to exchange the property, or use a 1031 deferred exchange.

If you think you are up to a challenge and you have what it takes to be a commercial real estate agent then consider applying with the help of the Recruitment Agency for Real Estate that Specializes in Commercial Real Estate  it will help you with the process in getting you a job in a reputable real estate company.


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